Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog 2

In " I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me With Facts", the Arthur Jeffery Kluger explains how easily humans are deceived by rumors and flat-out lies. he began his piece by mentioning how easily it is to manipulate people's belief system with insinuating  picture's and inflammatory quote's. Even though people are told lies after lies, they don't take the time to learn the truth.The reason maybe is that people don't want to hear the truth. it could also be because of their simple ego, and nobody like being told that they're wrong. for example, a researcher, at Ohio State University said that people change their opinion often and fewer than a third of people or willing to reverse their position regardless of evidence that they're given. another reason could be that people are stubborn, and being told that they're wrong is like saying there is no sun. I’m the  type of person that does not  like being prove that i am wrong. I feel as if i am told that i am wrong,someone has more power over me or is smarter than me.It is because they're right and I’m wrong, so I see where Kluger is getting at. Kluger ends his piece by explaining that it’s up to us to find a place in a world full of facts and make our decision based on that information.we may not always agree on what those facts mean, but we shouldn't be easily deceived.


1.) Significant Idea: It’s up to us to find a place in a world of facts and make our decisions based on that information

2.)Claims: Even though people are told lies after lies, they don't take the time to learn the truth.

3.) Reason: maybe is that people don't want to hear the truth.

4.) Thesis: simple ego, and nobody like being told that they're wrong.


  1. Not bad, but I do not see yet the formula claim + reasons = thesis statement working totally smoothly yet--you mixed the ideas a bit so the whole is hard to understand. Can you rephrase it?

  2. You did not get to finish this blog. Pity; it was going so well.
