In the movie, “The Truman Show,” the creator, Cristoff, creates a world that he considers to be “perfect”. But, in reality, there is no such thing as a perfect world, where everyone has their own definition of what perfect is or isn’t, like for instants a world with vanilla ice cream would be great for some but terrible for others, because not everyone likes vanilla ice cream, or can even eat vanilla ice cream, there can’t just be a world where I like it, because there’s other people living in the world to, who might not like it. So, there couldn’t be just one world, there would have to be a different one for every single person. In the “real” world, everyone goes through stuff and faces obstacles that they never thought they would have to, but that’s what growing up and life is all about.
My life does not compare to Truman’s in any way. For one, the world doesn’t revolve around me like it does for him. My life isn’t planned for every second of every day, where I just go with the flow of things. However, that is not a bad thing. I’m able to choose who I fall in love with or not, so I would rather my world instead of Truman’s any day. I get to live my life the way I want to. I’m able to travel and be whoever I want to be. I make my own path; nothing is planned out for me. Also, anything Truman does is never wrong; he doesn’t make any mistakes. In my world, I’m constantly making mistakes. Imperfection is a part of life and I will rather have flaws and learn from them than to have the pressure of trying to be perfect all the time.
I love your response to the prompt! I am glad you are happy with your life.