Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog 9

Part 1

In the Meatrix the main point is that they discussing where meat and animal products come from, also they tell when agricultural corporation began and animal cruelty and it tells use exactly where our food actually come from. and it let us know as the consumer we have the power to not support the factory farms machine.

The main purpose in the Meatrix Revolting is the affect of cows and how mad cow disease is being formed, it discuss how there feeding cows pill and cutting of there tails, also they discuss by buying organic food, we the consumer can help save the animals.

The main purpose in the The Meatrix II 1/2 it discuss how the worker are getting injured due to the speed there working at, and also how manures are getting into the meat because the meats aren't getting cleaned properly.

Part 2 Food Saftey-

Claim: 76 Million American are suffering from food poisoning each year.

Reason: 325,000 people are hospitalized from food related illnesses, Most food- related is caused by bacteria, virus, parasites that are transmitted in the food that we eat.

Quote: According to the Meatrix website, “Cattle feedlots, both in the U.S. and Europe, made common practice of supplementing cattle feed with discarded animal products, which led to the spread of mad cow disease” Also “the largest recorded outbreak of Hepatitis A was traced back to green onions in Chi-chi salsa. Over 600 people in the Pittsburgh area were sickened in the outbreak.”

1 comment:

  1. Okay, but your claim is a fact, not a claim. A claim is an argument.
