In "The Danger of Reality TV" the author Timothy Sexton states the dangerous effect of reality TV and how it is affecting the mind of its younger fans.
I disagree with this statement, because the key to success is not image but rather than ability, in one of his claim he describe how you can go on a reality TV show such as fear factor and eat a bug, and walk away with a bucket of money, even though you can go on fear factor and win a thousand dollar by eating a cow brain, or something you have never ate before, the money that you win is not consent and will only last for a short period of time, unlike a person who actual graduated schools and have a steady job, there money will continually come.
But I do agree with his statement when he states that life is nothing but a completion that we continually engage in with each other, that is true statement in my opinion because regardless of anything everyone wants there life to be like monopoly and be able to be better than the other person, an example will be that every business in America what about a 100% consumers. And they want their business to be more advance and people to want their stuff more than another business.
Therefore reality TV shows like American Idol and Survivor or competition on who is the best and who will win the five million dollars, they describe the person ability to do something rather than their appearance and if they don't have the appearance the show will be able to help them look the role.
My experience dealing with reality TV show is watching the show Tough Love Miami, it’s about a group of women who are desperately trying to find love and doing it all in the wrong place, there a guy on the show that know how guys move and how to get a guy, so he help the girl find someone, I don’t think this show is a waste of reality TV shows because it’s not really dealing with money its helping women better themselves to finding the right guy it does deal with image but it also deals with education level, no men wants a dumb women,and no women wants a dumb mean
in conclude education is always the answer to a better future; looks can only take u so far. Even if you’re the hottest guy in the school that doesn’t mean your grades are going to be as good looking as you.
Hello. I am a student in Dr. J class and I was asked to give you feedback on your revision of CAT 1. First of all I think your claim/thesis is hard to understand because it is not clear. Next your reasons are hard to understand. Example, you wrote “ because the key to success is not image but rather than ability.” Also your evidence was not clear and lastly the whole was a bit hard to read a and understand because your did not expand on your statement.
ReplyDeleteMiinnii: one problem with the claim is that it both agrees and disagrees with the reading. remember you have to choose one idea and respond to it in a focused way.